13/12/2020 [Thematic Message 121]                                                                                                                                                                  www.lifechurchmissions.com  

Consider How Far You Have Fallen and Repent <Rev 2:1-7>

Prelude: As the year comes to an end, we will do a lot of reflection. Perhaps we will be complacent in areas where we have done well, or feel regretful in areas where we have done badly. We often wander between these two states of mind, but do not truly deal with our weakness, and thereafter we forget. Then as we enter the new year, we may not make progress in submitting to the Lord. Therefore, we often feel that after many years of our faith, we are still struggling with the same weakness. Even though the Lord wants our love to abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that we may be able to discern what is best <Php 1:9-10>, we don't seem to have grown to have more love, faith, wisdom, but remain in the same weakness and repeat the same mistakes. Some people repeat their weakness in matters of money, some people fall again in matters of lust, and some people always have problems with their relationships with others, or compromise when the same temptation comes. Wise people will avoid letting themselves enter such situations repeatedly. Of course, we all don’t like to talk about our own weaknesses. In particular, modern people subconsciously accept the influence of positive psychology, thinking that we should talk more about positive things to inspire people to do better, and not talk about negative things all the time, such that we discourage others. Of course, I believe that God’s promise gives us hope and allows us to anticipate what God will do in our lives. When we talk to others, we should also be more assuring towards them than rebuking them, but the Bible also tells us to review our lives. In particular, we have an enemy who accuses us before God day and night <Rev 12:10> so we should not refrain from examining ourselves for fear of accusation. If we do, our faith will not receive certain critical breakthroughs, neither will we be able to shine for the Lord. In fact, the more honourable our lives are, the more people we will influence, and the more cautious we must be of our lives. The Bible tells us to consider how far we have fallen and repent. Many people fail because they only “repent when they happen to think about it”, but they do not “consider then repent”. A faith which “repents only when it occurs to them” often only solves problems at the surface. Such people often only regret over what had happened, but then later make the same mistake again. It's like a person thinking, “I lost my temper today because people speak ill of me”, “I committed adultery because I was tempted”, or “I left the church because I was hurt by people.” The Bible tells us to “consider”. Why do people feel angry or hurt over some criticism by others? Why do we compromise when the temptation comes? In fact, an even deeper problem may be our spiritual problem. It could be our pride, our inferiority complex, or our various desires, or hidden motives. Of course, it does not mean that after we know it, we are able to get rid of the tendency within our sinful nature. However, when we consider, discover, and repent from there, the residual power of that sin is continually being dealt with. When we do not give the devil a foothold, we will be sanctified faster and more beautifully. In fact, when a person knows where he had fallen short of the Lord's grace, it is the beginning of blessedness. From then on, he will have breakthroughs in overcoming his weaknesses. Sometimes, we are not so sensitive when it comes to listening to sermons. This is also brought about by our heart which is blinded such that we choose to listen to what we want to hear, or only deal with what we feel is problematic. In this way, we stay in some bottlenecks day after day, year after year. The serving in our lives cannot receive breakthrough. Before the end of this year, pray for the Lord to help us consider how far we have fallen, and repent from there.


1.  The Lord’s commendation and rebuke

1The Lord’s authority and love

Here, we see our Lord Jesus holding seven stars in His right hand, and walking among the seven golden lampstands. Seven stars represent the angels of seven churches. This shows the Lord’s authority over the church, and His concern for everything that happens in the church. Thus, who is the head of the church? Who is leading the church? It is our Lord Jesus. We pastors and preachers are appointed by Him to preach the word and lead the church, and we must act by the Lord’s instructions. Otherwise, we will surely be judged or be eliminated. Thus, we who are leaders must be all the more careful. When the Lord empowers us to lead His church, He gives us the messages to lead the church, as well as the heart to love the church. We should hold tight to both authority and love. Some leaders only preach human words but not the word of God. Some leaders preach with much authority, but do not know how to love brethren. These are all shortfalls.


2The Lord’s commendation

Indeed, the Lord first praises His church, His people. Not only the church in Ephesus, but also the seven churches in the Book of Revelation. Churches which receive the Lord’s commendation first are not only very blessed churches, but also churches which are starting to be corrupted. Thus, even as we are on the path of sanctification, we need not be too harsh on ourselves. Just as a father delights in his children, the Lord always affirms the blessed areas in our lives, and naturally helps us gladly <Ps 42:5>. Here, the church in Ephesus has 4 areas worthy of commendation, which is their deeds, hard work, perseverance and their ability to distinguish between true word and false word. (1) Deeds. Who says good deeds will not be commended by God? No doubt, we are not justified by works, but by faith. But our faith is revealed through our deeds. Faith without deeds is a false faith. Furthermore, the degree of a believer’s sanctification is certainly shown by his faith that comes with deeds. Think about it, if pastor neglects preaching and shepherding, or a believer is frequently absent from church, or a Christian is lazy and does not read the Bible, pray and serve, can he receive the praise of God? Think about it, isn’t what the Lord says to the goats on the left and the sheep on the right of the judgment throne while judging them based on what they have done? <Mt 25:31-46>. (2) Hard work. What is beautiful to the Lord is not only the clear evidence of deeds, but also the hard work of serving. Some people can bring out certain Christian service, but the moment they have to put in hard work, such as in preaching, shepherding, or handling all kinds of affairs, then they are not willing. Thus, many Christians always choose some easy things, such as only offering suggestions in serving, or be involved in initial planning, but after that they wash their hands off the matter. Otherwise, some believers cannot withstand the pressure given by people or real life, so the moment something crops up at home or at work, they will choose not to come church. (3) Perseverance. When we live by the word of the Lord, if we can persevere even though we cannot see fruits in the short term, that is worthy of commendation in the eyes of God. Many people can serve spectacularly, but may not be able to serve with perseverance to the end. Yet often, the most beautiful fruit comes from perseverance. Think about it, when we grow a fruit tree, does it bear fruits every day, or only after we persevere in planting, fertilizing and watering, then we can see it bear fruits? When we want to raise an outstanding child, will we daily see him understand each time he is taught, or as we teach him with perseverance? The Lord says, “but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved” <Mt 24:13>. (4) Ability to distinguish between true word and false word. The life approved by the Lord is not only faithful, but also wise. In particular, believers should have acute sense in discerning the truth. Ever since the coming of the Holy Spirit, the church history enters into the end times, the works of the anti-christ and false prophets become rampant. If the church is not discerning in the truths it accepts, but freely accepts anything, then the church cannot maintain purity. It will not be long before the church is misled by the wrong teachings.


3The Lord’s rebuke

The Lord only rebukes the church in Ephesus for one thing. By “one thing”, it means they do not have many areas of shortfalls, but at the same time it can be said that the repentance in that area is very critical to their growth. The Bible tells us that they have forsaken the love they had at first. Is that the love for God or for men? In fact, when a person loses the love for God, he will also lose the love for people. Then we may ask, “How can believers who have forsaken their first love still serve the Lord so arduously? How can they still hate the false word so much? Actually, this is a very subtle form of Satan’s work, such that people cannot sense that they have lost the love. They may start to forget the grace which first called them, then they may become proud because of the truth they know and because they have done great things for the Lord. Gradually, such people start to get into conflicts and comparison with people around them, even judging co-workers. Then slowly, all kinds of sin will infiltrate the church, causing people to gratify their selfish desires. Indeed, a person without love in his heart cannot overcome selfish desires. Perhaps we will ask, “Why does a church which started out so perfectly still have areas for rebuke?” Indeed, because of humans’ sinful nature, when humans seem to be doing so perfectly well (e.g.: teaching is sound, serving is faithful, good deeds are many, etc), if not careful, people can fall into a heart of self-righteousness and self-reliance. Therefore, <1 Co 10:12> says, “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!”


2.  How to respond to the Lord’s rebuke?

1Consider how far you have fallen

To consider is very important in faith. Because the first step to repentance is to have consciousness of our weaknesses and transgressions. When the Lord disciplined Israel, He often clearly told them what their sins were. Just as how God had saved them from Egypt, yet how they violated God’s laws, followed false gods, followed the ways of pagans around them, had sexual relations with gentile women, etc. Why does God always ask His people to consider? Because those who have been in sin for very long already slowly lost their consciousness toward some sins. Some believers have assimilated into this world for a long time. They sing the songs of the world, love the culture of the world, pursue the dreams of the world, and the first thing they compromise is things of the church, etc. Until they thoroughly fail in the end (perhaps they become bankrupt due to gambling, or their marriage break down due to adultery, etc.), then they will question why. In fact, God does not merely rebuke them for the current matters before them, but He wants them to consider why they have come to such a state. Only by consideration, will our spiritual conscience be awakened. That is the first step to repentance. Some believers may be weak for a long time. Perhaps they ever loved the Lord, but now they have come to a point where they have to drag themselves to church each time, and not one word from the pulpit can touch them, but they just cannot come out from such a state. Such people must remember from where they have fallen. Some people fell because of money, some because of weakness in the area of sex, some because of vanity, some because they are despised by others, some because of jealousy that comes from comparison with others. Each of us have fallen in some ways, if we do not consider and repent, that channel will get more and more obvious. For some people, the moment they touch on money matters, they will be hostile. For some others, they keep on dating but just cannot get married. For some people, when they get a little closer to people, they will be hurt. Actually, those are the areas in which we have not been loving the Lord and relying on Him. The more we do not consider, the more we will be blinded, such that we keep giving the devil a foothold.


2Repent and do the things you did at first

Some people only consider their wrongs but stop there, without any progress. The Lord tells us not just to consider but also to do the things we did at first. What are the things we did at first? Those are the things we do out of love for the Lord. Sometimes, when we are miserable, we will say we rather go back to the past. In fact, the Lord does not want us to go back to the past, but go back to the things we did out of love for the Lord. For some people, when they first loved the Lord, they offered themselves and everything they had to the Lord. At work, they relied on the Lord simple-heartedly, and continued to centre their living on the church, the Lord also promoted them. However, after getting promoted, they slowly get tied down by many worries and troubles. They have more material possessions, but lesser time for church and serving, their joy also lessens. They must go back to what they did at first, so as to find back what they lost. Some people offered their children to the Lord after giving birth to them, at that time, raising children was such a joy, and they saw God watch over the body, heart and spirit of their children, so that they grow up being full of grace. But after the children start to go to primary and secondary schools, the parents see that their grades are not good, so their hearts start to worry unnecessarily for them, and they stress the children with their own desires, causing both parents and children to be unable to see God’s grace. In fact, only when the parents restore their first love for the Lord to raise their children, then they can see God’s grace follow them once again. We must not only consider. Because it is not enough to be awakened. We must do the things we did at first, then we can see God’s grace coming upon us again. As we approach the end of the year, we must at least consider the grace the Lord has given us, and restore a pious heart to love God. Then we will not repeat our mistakes.


3) If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place

This line doesn’t sound very pleasant, but it is to tell us not to rely on past grace. Perhaps, we have indeed done well in the past, but we cannot use the past grace to make up for present wrongs. As time progresses, challenges will become greater, we must have grace upon grace as we follow the Lord, otherwise we may not be a testimony to future generations. We may just be a temporary lampstand and shine a little while for some people and then become obsolete. Therefore, our repentance, renewal and reflections are very important. As a church of the Lord, we cannot be contented with our past blessedness and the fact that we loved God in the past. When the church grows bigger, we must humbly seek grace, so that we can love the Lord even more.


3.  Those who obey will have reward

1) Whoever has ears, let them hear

All blessedness begins from the hearing of the Word. The Lord wants us to hear His voice from His Word. Actually, our faith is not about accumulating merits or becoming a rules-abiding person. The Christian faith is about obeying the Lord. Therefore, if we hear the voice of the Lord and respond, we will surely be rewarded. Today, the most serious problem in the church is that we do not have the ears to hear the Lord. Therefore, even if there are many activities in the church, the scale is big and everyone is immersed in the music of worship, but if no one hears the Lord’s voice and obey, the church will gradually weaken. As we approach the new year, we must be a Christian with a lively spirit, always able to hear the Lord’s voice of commendation and rebuke.


2) To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God

Here, God does not say “the one who repents or submits”, instead God uses the word, “victorious”. Because in the eyes of God, our repentance and submission are our victory. This is because in our repentance and submission, we are battling our spiritual foes. Since we are victors, we will have a reward. The reward is to eat from the tree of life in the paradise of God. The first meaning is obviously about receiving eternal life. The second meaning is to see all that seem to be curses turn into blessings instead. How so? Our ancestors were chased out of the Garden of Eden due to the curse after they sinned <Gen 3:22-23>. However, our repentance and submission help us re-enter the spiritual Garden of Eden to enjoy the fruit of its tree. The Garden of Eden is not any special place, but it is the presence of God. When we repent and submit, we will surely see God with us, and what we always thought are not good conditions will turn into blessings. This is what we can witness the moment we submit to the Lord.