29/8/2021 [Sunday Service]                                                                                                                                                        www.lifechurchmissions.com              

When Trusting God Seems Foolish <1 Co 1:18-25; 3:18-20; Heb 11:29; Ro 14:23; Ac 19:13-16>



1. Believers’ faith often seems impractical in the eyes of people of the world.

1) When we follow God by faith, we are often viewed as “fools” by the world.


2) In fact, if anyone wants to become wise, he should become a “fool”.


2. Faith is closely connected with wisdom.

* Must ask 2 important questions:

1) Does our “wisdom” kill our trust in God?


2) Is our faith detached from wisdom?

(1) Faith is not blindly proclaiming victory or prosperity.

* What man thinks is faith may not be true faith.

* Must question: Is my faith right, or is it my imagined faith?

* Courage does not mean faith.

* Man may be able to copy the act of faith, but if the object of faith is wrong, it is not only not beneficial but it is also foolish.


(2) Faith is also not reckless.

* Tension between “caution” and “faith”.


(3) Faith also has practical side.

* Faith is not detached from reality, but it gives us power to face reality.


(4) Faith is spiritual wisdom.

* True wisdom: The fear of the Lord <Prov 9:10>.

* Most beneficial wisdom: The wisdom for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. <2 Ti 3:15>.

* For the sake of Christ, even willing to be “fools” <1 Co 3:18; 4:10>.