19/9/2021 [Book of Acts 2]                                                                                                                                                          www.lifechurchmissions.com              

You will be baptized by the Holy Spirit. <Ac1:1-5>




Gospel of Luke – Jesus’ work on earth

Acts – Jesus’ work in heaven

* Need to connect these two to truly understand the foundation of the work of the Holy Spirit


1) Today, the church misunderstood the work of the Holy Spirit.

- View subjective experience as the work of the Holy Spirit.

- View outward phenomenon as the work of the Holy Spirit.

- View learned methods or experienced power as the work of the Holy Spirit.


2) Must differentiate

- The unique work of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.

- The common work of the Holy Spirit on every generations of believers.


Read: <Ac 1:1-5>


<Ac 1:1> The foundation of the work of the Holy Spirit is in what Jesus did and taught.


<Ac 1:2> The Apostles chosen by the instruction given through the Holy Spirit.


<Ac 1:3> What Lord Jesus said about the Kingdom of God

Read: <Lk 24:44-49>


<Ac 1:4-5> The disciples must receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit before they can accomplish the mission.  


**The foundation of the gospel ministry established after the death and resurrection of Jesus**


1) The apostles chosen by Jesus.

* Read <Ac 1:24; 9:15>

* Be wary of this Era’s New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Movement


2) The Lord revealed Himself to the Apostles, and personally taught them things of the Kingdom of God.

* Read <Ac 1:21-22>

* Read <1 Co 15-7-8>


3)   Lord Jesus sent forth the Apostles

* Read <Lk 24:48>

* Apostles bring with them the authority given by the Sender (Lord Jesus)

* Only those personally appointed the Lord to bee apostle can represent God to speak, perform signs and wonders

Read <2 Co 12:12>

* Bear ministry workers who shape themselves into figures of authority

* Just like how the leader of the fallen angels wants to be equal to God, many ministry workers today also make the same mistake.


4 Jesus instructed the Apostles to wait for the Holy Spirit

  In accomplishing the Great Commission, what kind of enemies will we face?

  Do believers today still need to wait for the Holy Spirit?

. What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?