3/10/2021 [Book of Acts 4]                                                                                                                                                              www.lifechurchmissions.com                    

The Ascension of the Lord Jesus. <Ac1:9-11>




* <Ac 1:1-11> is the foundation of the Book of Acts:

1) You must carry out the mission on earth.

2) You must rely on the power from above.


Read: <Ac 1:9-11> <Lk 24:50-52>


1. Lord Jesus' ascension reveals that:

1) This is supernatural and unique.


2) Lord Jesus goes back to where He belongs, and enjoys the kingship He originally has.


* Read: <Php 2:9-11>

* Read: <Mt 28:18-19>


3) Let the disciples know that the time the Lord remains in the physical world has ended.


4) Let the disciples know that from now on, they can only see the Lord's presence and help by faith.


5) Let the disciples who saw Him ascend have unique authority to become first-hand witnesses.


2. The key points brought out by the angel's reply to the disciples.

1) Lord Jesus will come again.


* Read: <Lk 21:27>

* Read: <Lk 17:23-24>


2) Therefore, you must continue to witness for Christ.


3. The disciples' response and reaction remind us to be careful not to fall into two kinds of errors of the faith.

1) <1:6>: "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" – Secularism.


2) <1:11>: "Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking into the sky?" – Pietism.