17/10/2021 [Sunday Service]                                                                                                                                                     www.lifechurchmissions.com              

To encourage by the power and wisdom of God. <Ex 4:1-14,20-21>


1. The Wisdom and Power of God.

1) Wisdom is God's essence.


2) Power is as much God’s essence.


3) God’s wisdom cannot be recognized unless we know the purpose for which He is working.


Read: <Ex 4:1-9>


2. Power of God to address Moses' hesitation, timidity, doubts.

1) Facing the ungovernable enslaved Israelites and the arrogant tyranny of Egypt: rod turning into a snake.


2) Facing the loss of his past and the fear of becoming a different person: leprous hand restored.


3) Facing every other unbelief and hindrances: Nile river changed into blood.


3. Encouraging God's people in their trials with God's Wisdom.

Read: <Ex 4:10-14>

1) So that we may become something we have not attained yet.


2) To keep me from becoming conceited, that the power of Christ may rest upon me <2Co 12:7-9>.


3) Learn to obey rather than giving way to stubbornness


4) If God will harden the hearts of man, let us persevere in encouraging, for God will triumph in all things.

Refer to <Ex 4:20-21>