24/10/2021 [Sunday Service]                                                                                                                                                          www.lifechurchmissions.com                    

Work-Rest Balance. <Gen 2:15; Ex 20:8-11; Gen 1:28; 3:18; Col 3:17; Gen 2:1-3; Col 1:19-20>


Read: <Ge 2:15; Ex 20:8-11>


1. Work-rest balance.

1) We labor and rest because God does so.


2) The fall made us lose balance of work and rest.


3) Work idolatry (workaholism) and rest idolatry (longing for retirement).


2. Labor.

1) Work is a good gift from God.


2) Working hard.


Read: <Ge 1:28; Ge 3:18>


3) Work is an act of worship (serving God).


Read: <Col 3:17>


3. Rest.

1) God designed the Lord's Day rest in a work week -> rest from our labors regularly.


Read: <Ge 2:1-3>


2) Rest is the result of reasonable completion of work and a sense of satisfaction through confessing God's sovereignty.


3) Through being united to Christ, we can be assured to pursue good work-rest balance until our final eternal rest


Read: <Col 1:19-20>