6/2/2022 [Book of Acts 14]                                                                                                                                                     www.lifechurchmissions.com  

Turn from Signs,  Wonders, Miracles to Christ

1. Signs, wonders, miracles cannot save man, only the gospel of Christ can.

2. The emphasis is on the preaching (exalting of Christ) that follows after  signs, wonders, miracles.

Read <Ac 3:11-16>

1. <Ac 3:11-12> : Focus on the Lord who performed miracles, not the event or person.

1) Why does this surprise you?

2) Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk?


2. <Ac 3:13(i)>:  God’s servant, Jesus.


3. <Ac 3:13(i)-15>: Peter pointed out the sins of the people.

1) Both the Jews and the Gentiles sinned.

2) They disowned the Holy and Righteous One.

3) They killed the author of life.


4. <Ac 3:16>: By faith in the name of Jesus, this man has been completely healed.

* Is there any  connection between faith and healing of sickness?

* How  to explain <Jas 5:15>: “And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up”?

1) Prayer that trusts God.

2) Prayer will bring God’s important response.



1) Signs, wonders, miracles do not come from human power and godliness, but they happen by the sovereignty of       God.

2) After signs,  wonders, miracles took place, must  point people to Christ.

3) When pointing people to   Christ, must clearly explain human sin.

4) God’s great power comes  upon those who believe.