13/3/2022 [Book of Acts 19]                                                                                                                       www.lifechurchmissions.com


The Believers Shared Everything They Had



* Is sharing everything a practice confined only to the early church?

* First ask: Are we good stewards in financial matters?

* It is a reality that modern believers have fallen short in terms of offerings

* There is obvious material inequality in the entire church community

* Must understand the spirit of the early church sharing everything they had:

1First, it did not come from human generosity

2It was also not due to pressure

3True offering comes at a cost

4Everything we possess belongs to the Lord, so we should use in obedience to the Lord


Read <Ac 4:32-37>


1. <v32>: From our heart for one another, extending to our heart toward possessions

1All believers were in unity, but not conformity

2Not belong to oneself, but to the Lord

3Done intermittently, not all at once

4Practical reasons and background to sharing everything


2. <v33>: Why did the Lord give such power to the apostles?

* The right values of believers toward God, brethren relationship and materials

* The power which the Holy Spirit gives the speaker is closely related to the heart and mind of the recipients

* Why is it that speakers who distort the gospel of Christ’s death and resurrection can attract so many thousands of people?


3. <v34-35>: The result brought about by managing things wisely after sharing everything

* The church is not in surplus, but there is not one person who lacks

* The apostles received wisdom to distribute to anyone who had need

* How does the church help brethren in need?

1Must distinguish brethren with real needs

<1 Ti 5:3> Honor widows who are truly (needy) widows.

2Help brethren who can work stand on their own feet

<Ep 4:28>must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.

3First let the needy get help from their own relatives

<1 Ti 5:8>: Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

4Ensure the beneficiary is not morally corrupted

<1 Ti 5:10>: and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the Lord’s people, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.

5Should only provide for basic needs

<1 Ti 6:8>: But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.

** The church’s offerings and giving are very beautiful in God’s eyes!

** Calvin said: If we are not touched after reading this passage, then our hearts must be harder than iron.

** Every believer must reflect upon his relationship with money, and whether he is managing finances in obedience to God’s will.


4. <v36-37> The positive example of Barnabas