15/5/2022 [Family Month Message 3]                                                      www.lifechurchmissions.com

The deep relationship between siblingsGen4:7-9; Heb11:4,6; Ro9:12-13,16; Mk3:33–35; Lk10:40-42

1. Siblings should take care of each other and watch over each other

1)   Siblings should take care of each other, but the differences will be more obvious as they grow up and enter adulthood

2)   Due to sin, vicious cycle may occur

3)   When God rebuked Cain, he put the blame on his brother Abel, thinking that Abel should be his keeper


2. Why do things go out of hand?

1)   Cain could not receive the favour or reward of life, which turned out to be faith in God

2)   Esau would rather have his physical cravings satisfied than to receive God’s mercy

3)   We must find opportunities to demonstrate grace


3. Learn sibling relationship

1)   Through church brethren relationship

2)   Consider impacting each other more in the gospel during our short time on earth

3)   According to the measure of faith God has assigned each person, compensate one another to survive challenging times