How to turn our failures into hope?Gen1:26-31; 3:17-19; Ps42:5,11; Ro5:18-19; 1Co15:21; Ro8:34; Php2:10-11


1. The reason why we fear failure.

Read <Gen 1:26-28>

1) In the beginning, God created us not to fail but to succeed in service to Him.

2) The need to relate our mission to and see God's provision.

Read <Gen1:29-31>

3) We long to be redeemed from all failure and every fear that comes from it.

* We are confined to fail, and this resulted from God's judgment against us.

Read <Gen 3:17-19>

4) Wrong teaching: a truly spiritual person never gets discouraged

Read <Ps 42:5,11>


2. The story of the bible tells us how to be redeemed from failure.

* What is all that Jesus did? How can all that Christ has done help us turn our failures into hope?

Read <Ro 5:18-19; 1Cor 15:21; Ro 8:34; Php 2:10-11>

1) Christ's victory turns us away from every false hope we have.

2) Only Christ has succeeded in serving God.