Do Not Create God in Our Own Image

<Zec 7:4-14; Isa 44:6; Rev 1:8; Jn 1:3>


1. The problem with mankind is always shaping God into the God we want.

·      Because do not want to deal with own sins.

·      McCullough’s book: The Trivialization of God.

·      Shrink God into a God who supports us, whom we can understand, and whom matches our experiences.

·      Abraham Lincoln: My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.

·      Only wants a “God who listens to us”, but not willing to obey God.


2. God asks: Are you worshipping for Me, or for yourselves?

·      Read <Zec 7:4-14>.

·      When Israelites first fasted, it was done with contrition and repentance, but later on it was done for self-interest.

·      God does not object to fasting, but He does not want people to have a form of godliness but deny its power <2 Ti 3:5>.

·      True inner worship and practical obedience after that matter more than outward worship.

·      Concerned about what God does not command, but neglect what God commands.

·      Have outward pious acts, but tolerate sins in the heart.

·      When we come before God, is it for Him, or for ourselves?


3. Do not “made your hearts diamond-hard” <Zec 7:12>.

·      This is man’s most serious problem.

·      A. R. Fausset: Hard hearts must expect hard treatment. The harder the stone, the harder the blow of the hammer to break it.

·      Sometimes, in order to teach us not to sin, God allows us to go through the dreadful consequences of sins.


4. Must know God based on who He says He is.

·      God is the “I AM WHO I AM” God <Ex 3:14>.

·      God is self-existent and transcendent.

o  Read <Isa 44:6; Rev 1:8; Jn 1:3>.

·      God is self-sufficient and independent.

o  God does not depend on anyone or anything, but everything depends on God.

·      God is also immanent.


5. We must be shaped by God, instead of creating our own God.

·      We are created in the image of God, not the other way round where we create our own God.

·      We must conform to God, rather than God conforming to us.

·      Martyn Lloyd-Jones: “If you were to feel more interest in Christ you would be less interested in yourself.” 

·      When we are called to believe in the Lord, we are called to live for the Lord rather than for ourselves.

·      Read <1 Co 10:31>.