28/8/2022 [Book of Acts 29]                                                                                                            www.lifechurchmissions.com


The Defence of Stephen (4) God Called Moses



* God elects and calls a person according to His own will. 

* Who is that God who calls people? 

1) Supernatural God.

2) Holy God.

3) God who has compassion on His people. 


 Read <Ac 7:30-34>


1. <v30> How did God appear to Moses? 

1)  After 40 years, God appeared to Moses.

2)  God appeared to Moses in the desert near Mount Sinai.

3)  God appeared to Moses in the flames of a burning bush.


2. <v31(i)  The supernaturality of God is incomprehensible by man. 


3. <v31-32> God appeared to Moses.

* God is a God who makes covenant with people.

* But Moses was afraid of the holy God.

* The error of not knowing God’s holiness but only knowing God’s grace. 


4. <v33> People who are called by the holy God.

* All their conditions are consecrated.

* The missions God entrusted them are also consecrated.


5. <v34> The relationship between God and man.

1) God is sovereign, but He hears the groaning of man.

2) God calls people, and eventually will also send them.