Insanity for God, sanity for man <2Co5:11-18>


1. How can we explain our convictions from God and fulfil the ministry of reconciliation <v11-12>?

1) Knowing the fear of the Lord


2) Trusting the consciences God has entrusted


3) Have an answer for anticipated challenges


4) For people to learn to see spiritual values and respond by faith


2. There is a difference between theology and pastoring, but we must see that they are spiritually coherent <v13-16>.

1) Accepting cases for being considered insane for the sake of God and church


2) But Paul's apostleship service is distinguished from his private faith experience


3) Pastoral ministries are always to be based on sound doctrine.


4) What compels us to insanity for God and sanity for men is the love of Christ


5) If God's design and intent for atonement can be frustrated, we would not be able to give people the assurance of salvation.


6) If God will make all live for Christ, then we can trust in their consciences.