The struggle between those who teach and those who govern. <Jer26:7-24>


·      Read <Jer 26:7-13>

1.  During Jeremiah's days, reformation was still very much ongoing.

1)  <v7> Priests and prophets patiently heard what Jeremiah taught, but there was no teachable spirit in them.

·     The bible allowed honourable titles to priests and prophets, but titles alone are not sufficient.


2)  <v8-9>Jeremiah was condemned to be a false prophet because the people believed that God’s temple can never be destroyed.

·        It is not right to separate godliness and obedience with the promise of rewards.

·        The people were assembled due to the condemnation of priests and prophets, but they formed a safeguard against private foul play.


3)  <10> Princes came only when stirred up by the commotion.

·        Those who govern should consecrate part of their time and energy to receive doctrines.

4)  <v11> The priests and prophets spoke to the princes and all the people.

·      The common people are won over by the priests and prophets, but they are also easily restored to a right mind.


5)  <v12-13> Jeremiah exhorts only by God's calling and commands to exhort the princes and the people.

·      The prophet accused his enemies of their ingratitude as he had shown them how to repent and receive mercy from God.

à Must learn to put aside any motives


2.  We must restore the kingdom of God and the righteousness of God.
1)  <v14-15> Jeremiah believed in Gods providence, but this must be discovered through the eyes of faith.

·      Jeremiah acknowledged that his life had been given to the rage of the wicked.

·      God indeed promised to help His servants in distress.

2)  <v16> The princes and people acquitted Jeremiah.

·      Common sheep must learn not to have prejudices as much as possible.

·      Nobody should attempt against those who speak in the name of the Lord.

à   In God's kingdom, righteousness is not just obeying God as the Legislator (equality or fairness). The christian morals include obeying God as King and supreme Judge.


·      Read: <Jer 26:17-24>

3.  Reformation requires both teaching and governing.

1)  <v17-19> The elders intervened to cite prophet Micah who pronounced judgment but was not put to death.

·        The elders meant that Hezekiah and the people really repented and turned to God.


2)  <v20-23> Urijah was cruelly slained by King Jehoiakim and they should not make the matter worse.


3)  <v24> There were still people who wanted to put Jeremiah to death, but Ahikam courageously endeavored to aid the prophet and repress the fury of the people.

à   So what do we get from seeking God's kingdom and righteousness? Justification, sanctification, inheritance.

à   We must move from the struggle between teaching and governing to all things having God's righteousness.