13/11/2022 [Book of Acts 35]                                                                                                              www.lifechurchmissions.com

Philip Went Down to a City in Samaria and Proclaimed the Messiah There <Acts 8:4-8>



* The Holy Spirit guided the disciples’ ministry in Samaria

1) Philip brought the gospel to Samaria

2) Simon the sorcerer appeared

3) Peter and John were sent to Samaria

4) Peter and John preached the gospel in many Samaritan villages


* Background of Samaria

1) Samaritan and Jews – 1000 years of enmity

2) Israel was divided into the northern and southern kingdoms – northern kingdom of Israel and southern kingdom of Judah

3) 722 B.C. – the northern kingdom was captured by Assyrians

4) Assyrian strategy to eliminate them as a people – made the gentiles and population of Samaria intermarry

5) After Judah returned from captivity, they did not allow the Samaritans to participate in the rebuilding of the temple

6) Jesus and the Samaritan woman <Jn 4:1-29>

7) The disciples’ hostility towards Samaritans <Lk 9:51-56>

8) <Ac 8:5-25> The gospel was brought to Samaria by the Jews


Read <Acts 8:4-8>


1. <v5> Philip proclaimed Christ

* What does it mean to proclaim Christ?

* Biggest crisis in church history is the counterfeit gospel of Christ


2. <v6> Signs performed by Philip

* Miracles = signs

* Caused the people to pay attention with one accord to the Christ proclaimed by Philip

* Timothy Keller: The message of Christ brings about the embodiment of Christ


3. <v7> Casting out impure spirits and healing

1) The power of Christ will follow the gospel of Christ

2) Must be careful of the modern day healing and deliverance conferences

3) Why were there so many people in Samaria who were possessed by impure spirits or were disabled?


4. <v8> There was great joy in the city