13/11/2022 [Thematic Message 153]                                                                                                                                                                     www.lifechurchmissions.com  


Give Me This Hill Country that the Lord Promised Me That Day <Jos 14:9-15; Num 14:4-10>


1.   The difference between Caleb and the other spies

1The rebellion of all Israelites and the submission of Caleb


2Why did Caleb receive such a great blessing?


3The inheritance and church views that saints should have


2.  Caleb fixed his eyes on the inheritance God promised him

1Caleb firmly believed God’s promise, and numbered his days


2The strength Caleb’s resolution brought him


3Caleb sought the blessing of Joshua


3. Caleb believed in the same promise of God to overcome the strongest enemies in the land of Canaan

1Significance of Hebron


2Hebron was where the Anakites resided in


3Caleb conquered the land of Canaan by the promise