The mystery of Christ is that the Gentiles should be of the same bodyEph3:4-13


·      Read <Eph 3:4-13>


1. The mystery of Christ <v4-6>.

<v4-5> The mystery of Christ must be revealed by the Holy Spirit.

·       God's governance is more than management. God's providence must have restraints put into place.

·       In spite of the offense of preaching, Paul firmly asserts that he knew His calling in the mystery of Christ.

·       The necessity that the calling of ministers should be firmly believed both by themselves and by believers.

·       Didn't the Old Testament prophets and even the apostles know about the mystery of the gospel? Yes, but not clear enough.

<v6> The mystery of Christ is that Gentiles should be fellow heirs.

à The membership of Jews and Gentiles in the church must be on fully equal terms.

·       This was fully implemented in history only when Christ’s death and exaltation inaugurated the new covenant.

à Gentiles can become part of true Israel through Christ. This calling is the mystery of Christ!


2. For the reason of God's grace in the mystery of Christ, I, Paul became the prisoner of Christ Jesus for you Gentiles <v7-11>.

<v7-8> Paul contrasted his own unworthiness and God's excessive grace ever more as he grew in Christ.

·       Compare the progression of Paul’ s self-description from <1Cor 15:9>  to <Eph3:8> to <1Tim 1:15-16>.

·       His shortfalls did not prevent God appointing him the honor of being the apostle of the Gentiles

·       The Ephesian believers (mainly Gentiles) are reminded how eagerly the unsearchable riches of the gospel ought to be embraced and esteemed.

à Therefore, shall we keep looking at our shortfalls as outsiders? How can we be too proud of it?


<v9-11> The establishment of peace between Jews and Gentiles.

·       The fellowship of the mystery must bring out the brightness of God's grace, and the foolishness that we are wiser than God.

·       The intent is a signal to all powers in the universe, displaying the manifold wisdom of God.

·       When we do not confine our view, but proclaim the gospel to all without exception, the multi-faceted wisdom of God will be manifested through God's appointment of Christ.


3. Confirmation of faith through a minister like Paul <v12-13>.

<v12> Faith produces confidence in having access in God, which produces boldness.

·       Wisdom is sought from the Lord this way

·       Having a strong pulpit, they worried for Paul; but therefore, they can receive glory by a pastor who confirms his doctrine by his life.