15/1/2023 [The Year of Discerning What is Best, and Being Pure and Blameless 3]                                                                                                  www.lifechurchmissions.com  


Church Leaders Ought to Discern What is Best, and be Faithful in Their Duties <Ac 20:25-35>

1. Church leaders are first and foremost shepherds, not teachers or administrators

1)  Firstly, a shepherd

2) Are teaching and administration not the responsibilities of leaders?

3) Although the shepherd is limited, he must discern what is best and lead appropriately


2. In discerning what is best, must find a balance between love and duty

1) To a leader, love follows his duty

2) Presence of the leader – needs of local congregation and other churches

3) Leader must give constantly, and the congregation must give thanks always


3. Most challenging in discerning what is best – Choosing workers

1) Choose workers who are faithful to the truth

2) Choose workers who love the church

3) Choose workers who have undergone the test of time and trials

4) Choose workers who can be led