Sunday Message, 29/1/2023, 9.30am


Know the Truth, and be Set Free

<Jn 8:31-36; Ro 8:1; 1Co 6:12, 10:23>



·       If there is a choice, everyone would want to be free, instead of being bound and restrained

·       Since young, we have constantly been subject to many limitations and restrictions

·       However, not all limitations and restrictions are bad

·       What truly matters is we must not become slaves to sin


Read <Jn 8:31-32>

1.    We must know the truth

1)   What is “knowing the truth”?

·       The truth is God’s word, and also Lord Jesus Christ <Jn 14:6>

·       Knowing the truth starts from becoming a disciple of the Lord


2)   What is meant by being a disciple of the Lord?

·       Do not doubt God, live out the teachings of the Lord

·       Imitate Christ; have the same mindset as Christ Jesus


3)   Knowing the truth and obeying the truth are two different things

·       Any transformation in life?


2.   Be set free in the Lord Jesus

1)   What exactly is man bound by?

① Are you bound by your past?

② Are you bound by your own ideals, ego, “face”?

③ Are you bound by sins?

Read <Jn 8:31-36>


2)   What kind of freedom is the freedom given by the Lord?

·       Satan no longer can control us

·       We are also no longer condemned

·       Read <Ro 8:1; 1Co 6:12, 10:23>

·       We have the freedom to choose what to do and what not to do; what to say and what not to say


3.   What are the things we should do?

1)   We must know that our identity is a child of God

·       Should be set apart and be sanctified

·       Will surely be attacked and slandered by Satan


2)   We must know what our roles and responsibilities are

·       Based on the roles the Lord has given us, discern what is best


3)   We will surely want to share the gospel with others

① Sharing the gospel with non-believers

·        What do non-believers dislike most about believers?

·        Before the world hates us, it hated Christ first <Jn 15:18>

② “Sharing the gospel” with believers

·        So that believers can have a closer relationship with God