Sun Message, 19/3/23, 9.30am


Evangelism work of Philip



* Philip evangelised to the Ethiopian official individually

* Philip evangelised to the masses in Samaritan villages

* In the work of evangelism, both individual and mass evangelism are needed

* Evangelism efforts are led by the Holy Spirit, the evangelist only has to allow himself to be a vessel for God’s use

* There is a unique leading of God in each of the evangelism work toward the Samaritan and Ethiopian         


Read <Ac 8:35-40>


1. <v35>: We can imagine that the last few words of Philip’s evangelism efforts will be similar to the concluding words of Peter at Pentecost

* <Ac 2:38>:  Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

* Repentance and baptism are inseparable

* Baptism brings assurance and sanctification to those who believe


2. <v36> The Ethiopian actively asked to be baptised


3. <v37> If you believe with all your heart … 


4. <v38>: The meaning of both Philip and the eunuch going down into the water


5. <v39>: Philip is taken away, the Ethiopian rejoices

* Is Philip miraculously raptured?

* Rejoicing of the Ethiopian


6. <v40> Philip travelled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns

*<Ac 21:8>:  Leaving the next day, we reached Caesarea and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the Seven.


** Conclusion**

* The similarities and differences of Philip’s evangelism efforts

* One gospel content (unchanging), preached to two different groups (contextualisation)