The Great Commission: Make disciples to preach the whole gospelMt28:16-20; Lk24:6-9; Mk16:15; Ac1:6-8; Ex18:21; Nu11:28-29


·     Read <Mat 28:16-20>


1. Do not simplify the gospel from its whole meaning.

1) Gospel of the kingdom (Jesus' public proclamation) -> gospel of Jesus Christ (the Epistles)

* A good news that changed everything


·       Read <Lk 24:6-9>


2) God is the original messenger of the gospel. Therefore, there is an indispensable essence. It is not merely a social gospel.


2. Evangelism is making the gospel (Christ) known.

1) Do people see the power of Christ in you?


2) It is from the authority of Christ that the church is to engage in evangelism. He commands that the church be engaged in certain kinds of activity.

·       Read <Mk 16:15>

(1) Why does the commitment for evangelism tend to decline?

(2) We must not just declare a simple message. Discipling, evangelism, teaching have some overlaps.


·       Read <Ac 1:6-8>

3) Not all witnessing is evangelism, but evangelism is a special kind of witness.


4) Not every Christian is called to be an evangelist, but every Christian’s duty to make sure that the task of evangelism is done.


3. A warfare requiring the mobilization of every believer in Christ.

1) Implement a careful organizational structure

·       Read <Ex 18:21>

·       Read <Num 11:28-29>

2) Prophecy of Joel and the Pentecost: the Spirit enables every believer to be battle ready to participate in the mission of the church <Joel2:28>