Sunday Message, 2/4/2023, 9.30am


There is God’s Way in the Wilderness

<Isa 43:19; Jas 1:2-4, 12-15; Ro 8:18; Deut 31:6; 1 Co 10:13>



·       There is nothing too hard for God to do

·       Yet, it is not so easy to address certain questions posed by some people

·       It is not because we have no answer, but that people are unwilling to accept the answer

·       Can believers explain and accept why problems happen to them?

·       Read <Isa 43:19>


1.    Must understand what trials, temptations and discipline are

1)   The differences between trials and temptations

What is trial?

·       Read <Jas 1:2-4>

·       Trials can bring benefits to believers


② What is temptation?

·       Read <Jas 1:12-15>

·       Temptations do not come from God

·       Temptations will give birth to sin, and bring about death


2)   Will there ever be an end to trials and temptations?

·       As long as man lives on earth, there is bound to be problems

·       Read <Ro 8:18>


3)   Is discipline that comes from God considered a trial?

·       Discipline will awaken a person, leading him to repentance and reconciliation to God


2.    Behind problems, there is certainly the plan of God

1)   Problems make us draw closer to God


2)   Problems increase believers’ faith to trust God


3)   God can use problems to awaken His children


4)   God can use problems to reveal who the goats are and who the sheep are


3.    The mystery of overcoming and making good use of problems

1)   You must believe and acknowledge that God is in control

Read <Deut 31:6>


2)   You must believe that God will make a way for you

Read <1 Co 10:13>

① God prepared the best timetable for us
② Sometimes, we must take the first step of faith

③ God's way of doing things is different from others


3)   There are surely lessons to be learned from problems