Sunday Message, 27/11/2022, 9.30am


God Saved Us from Sins

<1 Pe 5:8; 1 Ti 1:15-16; Mk 2:17; Mt 7:21-23>



·       Man was sinful from the time his mother conceived him <Ps 51:5>.

·       Only when man departs from the world will he no longer sin.

·       The wages of sin is death; death came through sin <Ro 5:126:23>.


1 We must know the true colours of sin!

1 Man should pay the price for his own sins and transgressions.


2 Every time when we sin, God is not only angry, but He also grieves at the same time.

·       When man sins, he actually offends God.


3 We must clearly recognize where sins come from.

·       The devil has been sinning from the beginning <1 Jn 3:8>.

·       Read <1 Pe 5:8>

·       Satan often makes people trivialise or downplay sins.


2 After we recognize sins, we must draw the line between sins and us.

·       Read <1 Ti 1:15>

1 Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

·       Read <Mk 2:17>


2 Paul also said, “I am the worst of sinners.”

·       Before Paul truly met the Lord, he greatly persecuted the church. <Ac 9:1-2; Gal 1:13; Php 3:6>


3 But even as the worst of sinners, Paul also received God’s mercy!

·       Read <1 Ti 1:16>

·       We received God’s mercy purely by God’s grace.


3 Live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

1 Why should those who were called live a life worthy of the calling they received?

·       We should imitate the example Lord Jesus left us.

·       Read <Mt 7:21-23>


2 Are we sure that we are truly citizens of the kingdom of heaven?

·       Believing in the Lord and being saved is not merely receiving a ticket to heaven.

·       A person who truly knows God and is willing to surrender to God will surely have life transformation.


3 How can we confirm whether our lives have real changes?

① Can you enjoy the freedom and joy that you received because of the forgiveness of your sins, and do you give thanks continually for that?

② Does your life truly bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit? <Gal 5:22-23>

③  Are you willing to preach the gospel and live for the Lord?