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86:1 (大卫的祈祷。)耶和华啊,求你侧耳应允我,因我是困苦穷乏的。
(Psalm 86 A Prayer of David)Bow down thine ear, O Jehovah, and answer me; For I am poor and needy.
86:2 求你保存我的性命,因我是虔诚人。我的神啊,求你拯救这倚靠你的仆人!
Preserve my soul; for I am godly: O thou my God, save thy servant that trusteth in thee.
86:3 主啊,求你怜悯我,因我终日求告你。
Be merciful unto me, O Lord; For unto thee do I cry all the day long.
86:4 主啊,求你使仆人心里欢喜,因为我的心仰望你。
Rejoice the soul of thy servant; For unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
86:5 主啊,你本为良善,乐意饶恕人,有丰盛的慈爱赐给凡求告你的人。
For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, And abundant in lovingkindness unto all them that call upon thee.
86:6 耶和华啊,求你留心听我的祷告,垂听我恳求的声音。
Give ear, O Jehovah, unto my prayer; And hearken unto the voice of my supplications.
86:7 我在患难之日要求告你,因为你必应允我。
In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee; For thou wilt answer me.
86:8 主啊,诸神之中没有可比你的;你的作为也无可比。
There is none like unto thee among the gods, O Lord; Neither [are there any works] like unto thy works.
86:9 主啊,你所造的万民都要来敬拜你;他们也要荣耀你的名。
All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; And they shall glorify thy name.
86:10 因你为大,且行奇妙的事;惟独你是神。
For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: Thou art God alone.
86:11 耶和华啊,求你将你的道指教我;我要照你的真理行;求你使我专心敬畏你的名!
Teach me thy way, O Jehovah; I will walk in thy truth: Unite my heart to fear thy name.
86:12 主我的神啊,我要一心称赞你;我要荣耀你的名,直到永远。
I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart; And I will glorify thy name for evermore.
86:13 因为,你向我发的慈爱是大的;你救了我的灵魂免入极深的阴间。
For great is thy lovingkindness toward me; And thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest Sheol.
86:14 神啊,骄傲的人起来攻击我,又有一党强横的人寻索我的命;他们没有将你放在眼中。
O God, the proud are risen up against me, And a company of violent men have sought after my soul, And have not set thee before them.
86:15 主啊,你是有怜悯有恩典的神,不轻易发怒,并有丰盛的慈爱和诚实。
But thou, O Lord, art a God merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.
86:16 求你向我转脸,怜恤我,将你的力量赐给仆人,救你婢女的儿子。
Oh turn unto me, and have mercy upon me; Give thy strength unto thy servant, And save the son of thy handmaid.
86:17 求你向我显出恩待我的凭据,叫恨我的人看见便羞愧,因为你耶和华帮助我,安慰我。
Show me a token for good, That they who hate me may see it, and be put to shame, Because thou, Jehovah, hast helped me, and comforted me.
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