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帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 前 书 第 1 章 001  002  003  004  005 
1:1 保罗、西拉、提摩太写信给帖撒罗尼迦在父神和主耶稣基督里的教会。愿恩惠平安归与你们!
Paul, and Silvanus, and Timothy, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace.
1:2 我们为你们众人常常感谢神,祷告的时候提到你们,
We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention [of you] in our prayers;
1:3 在神我们的父面前,不住的记念你们因信心所做的工夫,因爱心所受的劳苦,因盼望我们主耶稣基督所存的忍耐。
remembering without ceasing your work of faith and labor of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father;
1:4 被神所爱的弟兄啊,我知道你们是蒙拣选的;
knowing, brethren beloved of God, your election,
1:5 因为我们的福音传到你们那里,不独在乎言语,也在乎权能和圣灵,并充足的信心,正如你们知道、我们在你们那里,为你们的缘故是怎样为人。
how that our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit, and [in] much assurance; even as ye know what manner of men we showed ourselves toward you for your sake.
1:6 并且你们在大难之中,蒙了圣灵所赐的喜乐,领受真道就效法我们,也效法了主;
And ye became imitators of us, and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit;
1:7 甚至你们作了马其顿和亚该亚所有信主之人的榜样。
so that ye became an ensample to all that believe in Macedonia and in Achaia.
1:8 因为主的道从你们那里已经传扬出来。你们向神的信心不但在马其顿和亚该亚,就是在各处也都传开了;所以不用我们说什么话。
For from you hath sounded forth the word of the Lord, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place your faith to God-ward is gone forth; so that we need not to speak anything.
1:9 因为他们自己已经报明我们是怎样进到你们那里,你们是怎样离弃偶像,归向神,要服事那又真又活的神,
For they themselves report concerning us what manner of entering in we had unto you; and how ye turned unto God from idols, to serve a living and true God,
1:10 等候他儿子从天降临,就是他从死里复活的,那位救我们脱离将来忿怒的耶稣。
and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, [even] Jesus, who delivereth us from the wrath to come.
001  002  003  004  005  帖 撒 罗 尼 迦 前 书 第 1 章

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